
STEPS Paradigm

STEPS (Systems-Theoretic Engineering Paradigm for Software) is a powerful new paradigm that unifies the most powerful yet neglected concepts of Systems Science and Computer Science that caters to the changed needs of modern distributed software.

Systems Model

A fundamental model of computation that improves upon and unifies Lambda Calculus, Lisp Model, Actor Model and Alan Kay's Object-Orientation, radically simplifying modern computing needs and is based on the mathematical foundations of Systems Science.


SODA (Semantics-Oriented Development Approach) is a powerful semantic approach to software reuse and component-based development that unifies Philosophy, Systems Science, Logic, Lambda Calculus and Type Theory with denotational, axiomatic and interaction semantics, resulting in maximized reuse, quality and security - all centered around the well-established concept of Term (as in Logic, Lambda Calculus and Mathematics).


Sema (Semantic Modeling & Analysis), is a domain modeling method for applying SODA using STEPS, that completely eliminates the currently existing cognitive impedance mismatch between an analysis model vs design model vs solution model vs programming model vs computational model vs deployment model, leading to unprecedented TTM (Time-to-Market) of features while maximizing developer independence & ownership of a feature.

Semantic Containers

A novel ultra light-weight, semantics-based security isolation method for isolating untrusted components/agents that provides semantic guarantees and is an additional sandboxed container above and beyond capability-based security, language-based isolation, VM Isolates-based isolation and more conventional container-based isolation. In Ālo OS, code may only run securely within such Semantic Containers.

Alpha Architecture

A system-wide, overarching architecture, which improves over Kappa and Lambda Architectures of distributed applications and unifies the currently heterogenous and disparate OLTP, OLAP, ML and AI architectural approaches with an end-to-end homogenous, systems-theoretic agent primitive-based architecture.